Christine Atkins

Christine Atkins (C F Atkins) has been immersed in art since childhood and has been a
full-time professional artist for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Art from the University
of Queensland, majoring in Fine Art and Art History. Her passion for the old masters has
taken her to galleries in Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, and London.
Born near London and now a long-time resident of Brisbane, Christine's paintings reflect the
tropical essence of Queensland. She captures cool verandahs, overgrown gardens with
rickety fences, and lush, wild vegetation like mango, papaw, and monstera. Christine paints
the suburban and rural charm of her home state, depicting its houses, people, markets, and
flowers. Strong light is a hallmark of her work, whether it's sunny interiors or the winter sun
streaming through a verandah.
Not limited to landscapes, Christine is renowned for her still life paintings, often featuring
flowers from her garden or street trees and recurring decorative china ornaments, vases and
plates as well as oriental scarves and lace tablecloths. Although celebrated for her pastel art,
she excels in various mediums, including oil and acrylic. She has won numerous awards and
prizes for her work, including multiple Brisbane Ekka Champion titles. Her work has been
featured also in 5 major publications and numerous art magazines and journals in Australia
and the USA.
Christine Atkins' artwork and illustrations have been featured in various esteemed
publications, including books like "Mt Morgan Sketchbook" and "Rain on an Iron Roof," as
well as prominent collections such as "50 Australian Artists" and "Luminous Colour:
Showcasing Australian Pastel Artists." Her work has also appeared in multiple issues of
Australian Artist, International Pastel Artist, and Pastel Journal. Rockport Publications in the
USA included her paintings in "The Best of Oil Painting," "The Best of Acrylic Painting," and
"The Best of Pastels." Additionally, she has contributed articles and illustrations to several art
magazines, highlighting her expertise in pastel, oil, and acrylic painting.
With a devoted following among Queensland art collectors, Christine's vibrant and
expressive work is always in demand. Over the past more than 30 years, she has
consistently showcased her art in Brisbane region galleries, with her last three exhibitions
being held at the Metcalfe Gallery, Brisbane Institute of Art. Christine is also a past President
of the Pastel Society of Australia.
More of Christine’s art can be found here: