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Still Life

Tips for Still Life painting

Cut Flowers 

If you are using cut flowers in your still life – open the ends of the stems to allow absorption of  plenty of water. To prolong their life put aspirin in the water or use lemonade instead of water.


Some are more temperamental than others. Those inclined to wilt quickly, or to turn towards to  spotlight, should be painted prior to the rest of the composition. 


Less is more when rendering glass. Do not use a line to define an edge. Tonal shape against  tonal shape will create the edge. 


Complete the background colour first then add the lace. 

Points to Consider 

When painting a still life consider the following: 

• Be happy with what you are painting as this is what makes you feel good;

• Mark the floor with tape where you stand, this keeps your study in perspective; 

• Be aware of your posture for the same reason as taping the floor;

• Working from life is much better than working from photos; 

• Warm light throws cool shadows; 

• When you feel a colour, it is in your heart, it is not what your eyes are seeing; 

• Put the background in when it says “what about me” – this can be first, last or anywhere in between; • Remember that light bounces (reflects); 

• Paint from the heart but having done the skill base learning first. 


This is important for seeing the tones of your subject more accurately as you work. 

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